Public Records Records Search

Police Records, Background Checks, Social Media, Photos, Assets, Contact Information and Much More!

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PeopleFind makes it easy to learn about your family members, neighbors, friends, coworkers, and anyone else in your life!

Results You Can Trust

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We scour data from specialized sources to give you valuable information in one location.

Dedicated to Customer Privacy


We put privacy first and does not alert the person you searched that you’ve uncovered the details in their background report.

About Us


With a click of the mouse, powered by Intelius can search federal, state, and local sources to help you find the information you are searching for a particular someone your life. With this incredible technology, you can find people based on several different details from your search results, such as name, age, address, and phone number. Robust, effective and powerful — aims to keep you informed by utilizing public records information.

You Could Discover all This and More Search

Did you know that you can uncover all this and MORE with a search? It’s as simple as entering a first and last name, and you can uncover information such as social profiles, criminal records, relationships, addresses, phone numbers, location history and even maiden names.

Why wait any longer when you can find the information you’re looking for like email addresses, photos, employment history, traffic records, business details, professional licenses, asset details and even civil judgements and liens. You could even uncover financial info, nearby sex offenders and much more!